Wednesday, June 01, 2005

2nd grade, Lakewood Elementary School

LAKEWOOD, N.Y. - This 2nd grade shot comes courtesy of Marianne Jim, who found it among her mementos with the 5th grade shot I published earlier.

I can make out Buddy Hooper, Jim Lindell, Jim Nelson, Linda Foster, Frank Nobbs, Barbara Bunce and Bonnie Anderson. (You'll have to find them yourself, I'm supposed to be writing a story and I'm already a little late...).

When this picture was taken, I was still living in Brooklyn, going to a Catholic school where I had Sister Perfecta for a teacher. I'm not kidding. Her name was Sister Perfecta and she was barely taller than us - in 2nd grade.

But she had a wooden ruler that was faster than Zorro's sword and a clicker that could drop a whole classroom of Catholic kids to their knees in a heartbeat.

This Lakewood elementary group should seems like everyone is, well, happy! Compare it to the fifth grade photo and see how many folks are smiling.

Later today (when I am off deadline), I will email the original hi-resolution version of this to everyone on the list.

Second grade. Kee-rist! I have a granddaughter in 2nd grade.

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