Sunday, May 29, 2005

Mr. Butler died in 2003, not in 2005...

SAN DIEGO, Calif. - Sometimes I move way too fast for a 56, soon-to-be 57-year-old guy.

And in moving too fast, particularly very early in the morning, my old eyes don't see things properly - like the date on an obituary. Mr. Butler died in May of 2003, not a few days ago.

Does whoops cover it, or do I need to go leap off the cliffs here in San Diego at Point Loma?

Allan Winger was a lot kinder in his email to correct me than most of the folks I ever had to deal with when I was a newspaper editor and made those kind of gaffes. (Not that I made that many.)

And Allan has kindly started a discussion group at:

The idea is to, well, discuss things. It's a great idea... I'll try to jump on from time to time (in between other stuff) and when appropriate, perhaps I'll pull some of the comments for this blog. Allan and John Rupp (who goes by the name Kelly, a long-ago reference to the TV show "I Spy") will probably be talking some about Vietnam. Me? Well, I'm trying to track down a couple of people from classes other than the Class of '66 and hope the list can help me out. Okay, they're girls I dated, there, it's out.

So far today, Yahoo! hasn't wanted to let me in the system...but I have a lot more perservance than I did when I graduated 39 years ago.

Stand back Yahoo!, the Class of '66 is on the way.

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