Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The seven graduations were looong, but good

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The seven graduations - even lugging the university 'mace' went as well as such things can, with only a few goofs in the program and more than a few students whose exuberance was fueled by alcohol.

If I had been a student (and not sitting up on the platform) and had any advance warning about how dull some of the speeches would be, I might have dosed myself with a little Grey Goose before the ceremony.

Interestingly, one group that graduated at 8 a.m. probably had the highest percentage of smashed students marching up to get their diplomas.

What was that song we used to sing?

Seniors never stagger,
Juniors never fall,
They sober up on wood alcohol,
And the loyal faculty,
lies drunk on the bar room floor.

Or something like that.

I only muffed my lines one, stumbling over the pronounciation of Dean Sanjay Varshney.

Oh sure, it looks easy from where you are sitting right now. Try saying that name in front of 2,000 people while your goofy hat is falling off your head.

Michael at graduation
Standing post with the university mace

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