Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bob Swanson sends full lyrics for that drinking song

JAMESTOWN, New York - Classmate Bob Swanson has sent along the full chorus & lyrics to the drinking song I referenced yesterday. Thanks Bob!

Here you go:

Cheers, Cheers, to Southwestern High
You bring the whiskey, I'll bring the rye
Send the freshmen out for gin
And don't let a sober sophomore in
Juniors never stagger
Seniors never fall
They sober up on wood alcohol
While the royal faculty
Lies drunk on the bar room floor.

Also, Bob noted that Gunnie Nelson, owner/operator of the Pastime Restaurant in Lakewood (across the canal from the Rod & Gun Club) has passed away.

I spent many hours and many dollars at the Pastime, which had pretty good bands back in those days. I actually met my first wife there, now that I think about it. I'll leave all that for another day.

Wine drinking

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