Monday, July 16, 2007

More photos from the SWCS 10-year soiree

LAKEWOOD, New York, USA - As promised here's the balance of the photos I received from the SWCS 10-year reunion held July 7.

These photos were all taken by Randy Carlson. (Thanks Randy!)

You might want to check with Randy about who is who in these... I started to write captions and then realized I was about to make some blunders.

Larger versions of these can be viewed by clicking on the photos which will take you to the photo page ( where I posted them... You can make them larger for viewing on your screen.

If anyone else has photos they would like to see posted here, please send them to me at:

If you do send photos, PLEASE make them smaller than 1MB... about a third of that is plenty for good viewing...

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 008

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 007

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 006

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 005

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 004

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 003

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 002

60's-70's SWCS Reunion 001

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