Saturday, April 30, 2005

Did anyone really read 'Silas Marner?'

English Department
Originally uploaded by Brite Lights photos.
SOPHOMORE ENGLISH - Mrs. Stupka, wife of Ed Stupka and a woman with a stare that could crack glass at 40 feet, took a decided dislike to me in English, possibly because I didn't read the books she assigned.

And maybe because when I did read them, I challenged her analysis.

Oh well.

She's not in this yearbook photo for some reason. She might have left by the time it was taken. She and Coach Ed split up. Coach Ed ended up here in California - at the community college where two of my sons went to school!

And he wasn't eight feet tall either, he was actually about 5 feet 9 inches, and the voice I remembered from the football practice field had been replaced by a soft tenor by the time I met him again in the mid 1990s.

The other characters in the photo: Harry Robie, Hubie Davis and Mr. Hanson (Calvin?), they had their moments, too.

Maybe we can all read Silas Marner for the reunion and have a book group discussion, just like in Mrs. Stupka's class.

Or maybe not.


robiewankenobie said...

please, do tell. i'd love to hear about mr. robie's *moments*.

Sylvia Fox said...

So, are you the Son of Robie?

robiewankenobie said...

i am actually the daughter of robie. there were three sons, an eleven year lapse and then a lovely surprise.