Tuesday, September 24, 2024

SWCS Class of '66 reunion in 2026, where are we?

RIVERS BEND MARINA, Scappoose, Oregon - I had a Jamestown-SWCS-snowstorm-Lakewood Beach dream last night. No idea what triggered all those images.

It was all pretty good, except for the blizzard, 

It reminded me that some of us on this list months back said "yes" to a class reunion in 2026. (Names listed on the left top.) And it also reminded me that it's been pretty quiet since.  We are not a quiet bunch. Not really.

So today's gentle reminder is that if this reunion is going to happen, someone or someones will probably have to raise a hand or hands to get it going.

There it is.

One problem is the folks who still live in the area are the obvious ones to handle some tasks: finding a venue, lining up a hotel, and other details of which I am admittedly ignorant. And in the past they have done yeoman (and yeowoman?) service getting the reunions together.  At all our past reunions - which I have to say were amazing - I was pretty much a passive attendee, showing up, eating and drinking (ok, especially drinking) dancing and then heading home.

I am very willing to do promo work via this blog as in the past, as well as, well, to be determined right?  Perhaps we could do some organizing via Zoom to get this thing started.

I'd really like to have another get-together, classmates, I would, I would. So let's talk. 

That's all I got, amigos. Enjoy these early fall days.

Fitz, SWCS Class of '66


Dan Flanagan said...

Hi Michael, I was surprised and glad to hear from you yesterday. Yes, I think having our own class reunlon would be better than a combined reunlon with other class yrs. We are now living in Columbia City, IN., but I would be willing to help where I could.

Anonymous said...

Well, Hello Dan Flanagan! Bob Tyler here. We have lived in Muncie, IN for 10 years. It's good to know you are nearby. I have good friends in Columbia City - Dan Sigler and Son, D.J. Sigler, both prominent Attorneys. who we knew while living in Decatur, IN. Maybe we could brainstorm some ideas and run them by Michael.